Powerful Secrets to Mastering Almost Anything

If you’ve ever wanted to improve at a skill, sport or job or become the best at whatever you do, but have been told you’re not talented enough, didn’t start early enough, or that you don’t have 10,000 hours to spare, then do we have the show for you! Today we’ll be talking with Anders Ericcson, a preeminent leader in new science of expertise, and the researcher behind Malcom Gladwell’s 10,000 hour rule from his book Outliers.

Today we’ll talk about expertise, what it is, where it comes from, how you can achieve it, what we all can learn from others who have it, how to help develop it in ourselves and our children, and why we can almost all dramatically improve our performance in almost any area we put our minds and hearts too. That plus we’ll look at homo erectus and homo exercens, Maverick, Viper, and Iceman, Blue Bunny Ice-Cream, Paganini and the Broken Strings, and What a Banana Monk and a Pot have to do with anything.

K. Anders Ericsson, PhD, is Conradi Eminent Scholar and Professor of Psychology at Florida State University. He studies expert performance in domains such as music, chess, medicine, and sports. His groundbreaking work has been cited in bestsellers from Moonwalking With Einstein to Blink to How Children Succeed.


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